The UPS Mobile Delivery application is used by UPS drivers and runs on the DIAD 6, a the device used for scanning delivered packages. The Maui Migration Investigation that I conducted involved migrating dependencies like components(Trimble Maps and barcode scanning) to verify that they can be incorporated into the Maui version of their app. Secondarily, to migrate their in-house Xamarin.Forms component library, building it with Maui and verifying that it demonstrates the identical UX and functionality as the Xamarin.Forms version. In parallel to the migration, one final constraint involved removing Prism from the architecture, a decision they made in response to the Prism library licensing changes. The spike was considered complete by verifying the ability to login and display their dashboard showing the driver’s itinerary. Doing so demonstrated running in the Maui version, with Prism removed from the architecture and showcased the migrated components functioning properly in Maui. Technology stack: .Net MAUI, Trimble Maps, MAUI Essentials, MVVM Helper, CommunityToolkit.MVVM, SQLite, Xamarin.Forms.